
Françoise Stoop

Françoise is a Dutch Painter and Ceramist. Heavily influenced by the Japanese philosophy of Wabi Sabi, she aims to reveal, through art, the tranquillity and greatness of nature, the beauty of imperfection and the stories told by timeworn materials.



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Françoise Stoop

About Me

Time and creation (nature) are central themes.The burlap sacks hang loosely on a wooden frame. These sacks were once used for potatoes, onions, grains, or legumes, as well as sandbags, which are smaller and used to repair and reinforce our dikes. When there is a dike breakthrough, the bags are passed in a train and therefore cannot be too heavy. The strings used to tie them closed are part of the composition. All the sacks used for painting were old or rejected.Some paintings represents how humans deal with nature. We repair, but we do it poorly. These repairs will not save nature, and therefore us Some represents the era after us. Then the gaps will slowly heal, and new organisms will emerge. A new area of exploration in her work is the night. During the day, we have more contact with the Earth, at night with the cosmos. She does not see the night as a dark, somber place for wandering souls, but as the magical, exciting, and silent other half of our lives.The frames are often made of wood over 350 years old from a building in Deventer, known as the "secondary beams."In addition, she creates ceramics: earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain. They are hand-turned and have glaze compositions that are very similar to the paintings. She develops her own glazes. The bowl is one of humanity's oldest forms and has symbolic value related to giving and receiving.The round shapes, nature, and time are core concepts in the Japanese wabi-sabi philosophy, which is about the beauty of imperfection. Life does not proceed in a straight line from A to B.Through her work, she aims to create a calm point in our busy, digital lives.

Françoise Stoop


Martinikerk Franeker, Friesland
May - August 2024

'Kunst in de Schuren - Kūnst in Skuren'
(Art in Barns)
Bildtse Aardappelweken Art Installations
Oude Bildtzijl, Friesland
June - July 2023

'Jutekunst in Jutestad Rijssen'
(Jute Art in Jute City Rijssen)
Kasteel de Oosterhof
Rijssens Museum
Rijssen, Overijsel
March - June 2023

'Bezielde Abstractie'
(Spirited Abstraction)
Harlingen, Friesland
January - May 2022

'Nieuwe Liefde 20'
6 June - 5 July 2020

'Het Wijde Groen'
(Meadow Green)
De Roos van Tudor Gallery
Leeuwarden, Friesland
28 March - 13 June 2020

'Robuuste Fijnzinnigheid'
(Robust Delicatness)
KUUB, Utrecht
18 August - 28 September 2019

'Noordelijke Ziel'
(Northern Soul)
Museum de Fundatie
Heino, Overijssel
8 September 2017 - 11 Februari 2018

'Turner en de Traditie van het Sublieme'
(Turner and the Tradition of the Sublime)
Museum de Fundatie
Zwolle, Overijssel
5 September 2015 - 4 January 2016

'Improvisaties op Wind, Water en Wad'
(Improvisations on Wind, Water and Mudflats)
Museum Belvédère
23 May - 13 September 2015

Front Page of exhibition catalogue of the exhibition, featuring Françoise Stoop, 'Wind, Water en Wad,' written by Marije Bouman

Art Gallery
Permanent Exhibition
De Roos van Tudor Art Gallery
Leeuwarden, Friesland

'Wetter 2'
Fries Scheepvaart Museum
Sneek, Friesland
November 2013 - February 2014

'Art Gallery November'
Nes, Friesland
November 2013


To get in touch, please send me an e-mail, at: [email protected]
Or send me a message on instagram, on: @francoisestoop

More Work

To see more work, you can visit my full archive, which shows you the entirety of my work. You can also visit my instagram account, which is complemented with behind the scenes pictures and pictures of my works in interior and exterior settings. To get more information about a specific work, you can always contact me!